28 July 2011

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Article

Great article in the Post-Dispatch about serving the needs of families in rural Missouri affected by Autism. For full story click here:

19 July 2011

Monthly Member Profile

In a new feature we will be profiling a random member of MOPA on a monthly basis. We begin with July and Dr. Elbert "El" H. Bolsen:

I retired from an active practice in 2006 however I maintain my license and active membership with MOPA while teaching in a graduate program for counselors at the Webster University, Rolla Metro Campus. I know that seems strange to say “Rolla Metro” but that is the designation Webster gives to the Rolla Campus. I also am a co-facilitator for Veracity, which is a group that serves men who are charged with domestic violence. Both of those activities require keeping my license active rather than in a retired status. I also teach for Columbia College at Rolla but that position does not require an active license.

In 1972 I completed a Master of Science in Clinical Counseling Psychology at what was then Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg. I spent a year at Fulton State Hospital with six months of that time being my internship and with the following six months being my choice to stay at that location for further training. In 1994 I completed the Doctorate of Naturopathy (ND) through the Clayton School of Natural Healing, located at Birmingham, Alabama. That school later became Clayton College of Natural Health. I applied natural healing principles in my practice following the completion of the ND. I no longer actively practice naturopathy but I do share such principles in the teaching that I do.

My practice through the years included all ages in service through community mental health clinics, hospitals, and a crisis intervention center. The last 15 years of my 35 years of practice focused mostly on child and adolescent services with the final three years specializing in civil case psychological evaluations. I primarily assessed child custody issues, determination of parental rights issues, and special service needs in children. I diagnosed, made recommendations for mental health services, and made recommendations to the court. Outside of child services I also did evaluations for Social Service Income Maintenance for Medicaid Determinations during the years of doing only psychological evaluations. I was in my thirties when I entered graduate school with previous years serving as a Child Welfare Worker (now known as Social Service Worker) and as a minister.

My “retirement” is teaching for Webster University, teaching for Columbia College, co-leading a domestic violence group, and serving as Lead Faculty Member for Columbia College at the Rolla Campus. I love all that I do and appreciate the fellowship and sharing with other psychologists in the state.

I guess my hobby must be teaching, since I do so much of that, but I do love being out of doors for walks as well as for working on my property. The outdoors activity is limited since a heart attack, four stints, and a pacemaker but I do still get out and stay active. I love reading and find myself being especially interested in spiritual reading as I become older. I like to travel, see the country, and enjoy recreational activities. I love to attend country music related shows. My farming family roots still come through even though I have never personally managed a farm.

Welcome New Member!

Welcome to new member Jessica Luitjohan, Psy.D. 

Dr. Luitjohan is a Pediatric Psychologist at SSM Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical Center.
Special interests include:
    - Hematology/oncology
    - Sleep problems
    - Behavior problems of childhood, especially as related to chronic illness

Spreading the word about professional psychology

APA's Help Center has recently published some resources for educating the public about what practicing psychologists do.  Some of their materials can be ordered for use in your practice in print version free of charge (up to 50 copies).  Click here for more.

17 July 2011

CEUs on on PTSD, TBI and Women returning from combat

Christine Cox, the Army OneSource Community Support Coordinator-Missouri contracted me to disseminate information on some free CEUs being offered  by Army OneSource.  She was unclear if the CEUs were APA-accredited, but she was sure that these course offerings were free.  If interested you can contact her with any questions: Christine.Cox@serco-na.com (573) 855-0693

Army OneSource is offering a free online course titled Treating the Invisible Wounds of War.  Your participation would be a great stride in the Army OneSource effort to increase awareness in civilian communities about the unique and devastating effects of war on our Veterans—who are an essential part of our community! In addition, it would be an even greater benefit to Veterans and their Families if all your peers, employees, and staff were able to take the course as well. At Army OneSource, we feel that Awareness is the stepping stone to comprehensive support towards healing our Soldiers.

In addition to supporting our GREAT Soldiers and their Families you will also receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for your participation.  Once you complete the course, your CEU will be recorded, and you will have access to download and print a Certificate of Completion.

This course consists of three parts.

Part 1:  Treating the Invisible Wounds of War Series: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (3 hours)
Part 2:  Treating the Invisible Wounds of War Series: Traumatic Brain Injury (4 hours)
Part 3:  Treating the Invisible Wounds of War Series: Issues of Women Returning from Combat (2 hours)

To access the course follow these instructions:

Step 1: Click on New Users tab at the top of the screen
Step 2: Create a personal user account following the instructions on the screen
*NOTE: Be sure to enter your Army OneSource referral code: AOSMOCC005
Step 3: Login to the system using your new ID and password
Step 4: Click on Courses tab at the top of the screen
Step 5: Select a course you wish to complete
Step 6: Click on Register

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions and I will be glad to speak with you. If you’d like to find out more about Army OneSource, please follow the link below to our website.

On behalf of the Soldiers and Families in Missouri, thank you for your time in this matter!

Very Respectfully,
Christine A. Cox
Army OneSource Community Support Coordinator-Missouri
Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
(573) 855-0693

16 July 2011

APA's Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP)

The American Psychological Association's Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) maintains a network that is comprised of representatives from various divisions and state, territorial and provincial psychological associations.

The network allows committee members and representatives to share issues, strategies, questions, and concerns. CWP looks to the Network for ongoing monitoring of issues that relate to women in all areas within psychology and asks Network representatives to bring these issues and concerns to the attention of CWP, in addition to taking questions and issues back to their groups, as appropriate.

CWP is seeking nominations from MOPA for a CWP Representative. For more information about the committee, explore their webpage here. If interested, please contact Rich Martielli

Invitation to participate in research and enter drawing for a gift card

You are invited to participate in an online survey of clinicians who work with youth with mental illness
To enter a drawing for a gift card and learn more about the survey, click here

MOPA Sponsored Events

What Has MOPA Been Doing Lately?

MOPA Co-Sponsored CE Events 2011:

Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders.  Autism Intervention Conference 2011.
April 15-16, 2011 - Columbia, MO
Click here for details

ABPsy Continuing Education Workshop. "The Therapeutic GPS:  Developing a Working Alliance with Urban Adolescents"
April 15, 2011 St. Louis, MO
Click here for details

Southwest Psychological Association Annual Convention.  
April 12-14, 2011, San Antonio, TX
Click here for details

Ozarks Area Psychological Association Annual Workshop and Ceremony Honoring Psychologists. 
May 21, 2011 Springfield, MO
Click here for details

LGBT Guild

Jeff Lubsen, the Organizer of the LGBT-Affirmative Therapists Guild of the Greater Kansas City has asked MOPA to include the following in a communication to its members in an effort to increase awareness of their efforts.  

The LGBT-Affirmative Therapists Guild of the Greater Kansas City area is a grassroots organization of licensed mental and medical health professionals, as well as students-in-training.  We share a collaborative commitment to make affirming culturally competent healthcare available for all sexual minorities based on the premise that LGBT and heterosexual identities are equally valid. Our website (lgbtguild.com) provides consumers and practitioners with referrals and resources for LGBT health and advocacy concerns.

The organization creates an active network among LGBT-affirmative healthcare professionals and students to empower, educate and enhance professional growth.  Membership in the Guild is free of charge and open to those from various disciplines and of any sexual orientation.  Licensed practitioners and agencies are also eligible to be included in our on-line LGBT-Affirmative Psychotherapist and Healthcare Provider Directories.  We welcome any questions and feedback you may have about our organization and website.  New Members can register on-line at:lgbtguild.com

APA Trust

See below for an advertisement for the APA Trust.  In making the transition from the monthly Connections newsletter to the Presidential blog, we wanted to maintain a revenue stream from advertising, and so we will be placing advertisements in the blog. You can click the picture below for a full size image of the ad. To go directly to the APA Trust's website, click here.

CAPP Update

Our past-president Deborah Schlitt has drafter a letter to APA along with the leaders of other SPTA to respond to the suggested cuts to the Organizational Development Grants proposed by APA. Click here to read the letter.

11 July 2011

Colleague Assistance Resources

From APA, some documents concerning Collegue Assistance. Click on the document titles below to access the files:
DB CP aricleNov-Dec 2010
ACCA(DB) 7-10 L-S Toolkit-2
ACCA Psych Listen to Psych Re- Self-care 5-10 DB

03 July 2011

Recent Monitor article

A recent article in the APA Monitor by Dr. Katherine Nordal, Executive Director of APA Practice Organization, highlights the crucial role that state psychological associations play in shaping health care reform. To read it click here:

Early Career Psychologists

For all our early career psychologists, we have a facebook group just for you. Head to http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=188843247721 and join today!