16 July 2011

APA's Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP)

The American Psychological Association's Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) maintains a network that is comprised of representatives from various divisions and state, territorial and provincial psychological associations.

The network allows committee members and representatives to share issues, strategies, questions, and concerns. CWP looks to the Network for ongoing monitoring of issues that relate to women in all areas within psychology and asks Network representatives to bring these issues and concerns to the attention of CWP, in addition to taking questions and issues back to their groups, as appropriate.

CWP is seeking nominations from MOPA for a CWP Representative. For more information about the committee, explore their webpage here. If interested, please contact Rich Martielli

Invitation to participate in research and enter drawing for a gift card

You are invited to participate in an online survey of clinicians who work with youth with mental illness
To enter a drawing for a gift card and learn more about the survey, click here

MOPA Sponsored Events

What Has MOPA Been Doing Lately?

MOPA Co-Sponsored CE Events 2011:

Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders.  Autism Intervention Conference 2011.
April 15-16, 2011 - Columbia, MO
Click here for details

ABPsy Continuing Education Workshop. "The Therapeutic GPS:  Developing a Working Alliance with Urban Adolescents"
April 15, 2011 St. Louis, MO
Click here for details

Southwest Psychological Association Annual Convention.  
April 12-14, 2011, San Antonio, TX
Click here for details

Ozarks Area Psychological Association Annual Workshop and Ceremony Honoring Psychologists. 
May 21, 2011 Springfield, MO
Click here for details

LGBT Guild

Jeff Lubsen, the Organizer of the LGBT-Affirmative Therapists Guild of the Greater Kansas City has asked MOPA to include the following in a communication to its members in an effort to increase awareness of their efforts.  

The LGBT-Affirmative Therapists Guild of the Greater Kansas City area is a grassroots organization of licensed mental and medical health professionals, as well as students-in-training.  We share a collaborative commitment to make affirming culturally competent healthcare available for all sexual minorities based on the premise that LGBT and heterosexual identities are equally valid. Our website (lgbtguild.com) provides consumers and practitioners with referrals and resources for LGBT health and advocacy concerns.

The organization creates an active network among LGBT-affirmative healthcare professionals and students to empower, educate and enhance professional growth.  Membership in the Guild is free of charge and open to those from various disciplines and of any sexual orientation.  Licensed practitioners and agencies are also eligible to be included in our on-line LGBT-Affirmative Psychotherapist and Healthcare Provider Directories.  We welcome any questions and feedback you may have about our organization and website.  New Members can register on-line at:lgbtguild.com

APA Trust

See below for an advertisement for the APA Trust.  In making the transition from the monthly Connections newsletter to the Presidential blog, we wanted to maintain a revenue stream from advertising, and so we will be placing advertisements in the blog. You can click the picture below for a full size image of the ad. To go directly to the APA Trust's website, click here.

CAPP Update

Our past-president Deborah Schlitt has drafter a letter to APA along with the leaders of other SPTA to respond to the suggested cuts to the Organizational Development Grants proposed by APA. Click here to read the letter.