15 November 2011

Vote 10 for MOPA!

Dear fellow psychologists,
If you are also a member of APA, you should have ready received or will receive in the mail shortly your apportionmnet ballot from APA.  As I've mentioned in previous emails, by allotting all 10 of your votes to MOPA, you will give MOPA the greatest voice possible on APA's Council of Representatives.  If you've ever asked yourself what actions you can take that will have a direct impact on your daily practice, this is one of those actions. As we've seen with the BCBS KC rate cuts, at times we need APA to fight on our behalf. Also, a majority of MOPA's budget comes directly from CAPP grants which have recently been threatened. By voting all 10 votes to MOPA you will help sway budgetary decisions like this in the future and MOPA will be in a better position to remain financially solvent in order to serve our members better. 

VOTE 10 for MOPA!!!