15 June 2011


Dear fellow psychologists,
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to all of the wonderful psychologists that comprise the membership of MOPA.  The gavel officially changed hands at our board meeting on 6/11/11 and I began my year-long term as President of MOPA.  I would like to applaud and commend Dr. Deborah Schlitt, our immediate Past-President for her outstanding work over the past year. She worked tirelessly to protect our practice and was a pivotal force behind many of the legislative issues affecting psychologists in Missouri.  She has certainly left some big shoes to fill.  Looking forward, there are many new and innovative initiatives on the horizon that we plan to pursue.  I hope to utilize all the amazing technology that we now have at our fingertips in order to promote more involvement from our members and to disseminate information in a timely and efficient manner. 

This blog will serve as a source of ongoing updates about the activities of MOPA. Many times these activities occur "behind the scenes" and members aren't aware of all the great projects we are working on.  Hopefully, this blog will bring about some greater transparency.  Also, others can make comments to posts on the blog and easily provide their insights into ongoing activities. 

I am excited to begin the next year and look forward to the honor of serving as MOPA President.

Rich Martielli