17 July 2011

CEUs on on PTSD, TBI and Women returning from combat

Christine Cox, the Army OneSource Community Support Coordinator-Missouri contracted me to disseminate information on some free CEUs being offered  by Army OneSource.  She was unclear if the CEUs were APA-accredited, but she was sure that these course offerings were free.  If interested you can contact her with any questions: Christine.Cox@serco-na.com (573) 855-0693

Army OneSource is offering a free online course titled Treating the Invisible Wounds of War.  Your participation would be a great stride in the Army OneSource effort to increase awareness in civilian communities about the unique and devastating effects of war on our Veterans—who are an essential part of our community! In addition, it would be an even greater benefit to Veterans and their Families if all your peers, employees, and staff were able to take the course as well. At Army OneSource, we feel that Awareness is the stepping stone to comprehensive support towards healing our Soldiers.

In addition to supporting our GREAT Soldiers and their Families you will also receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for your participation.  Once you complete the course, your CEU will be recorded, and you will have access to download and print a Certificate of Completion.

This course consists of three parts.

Part 1:  Treating the Invisible Wounds of War Series: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (3 hours)
Part 2:  Treating the Invisible Wounds of War Series: Traumatic Brain Injury (4 hours)
Part 3:  Treating the Invisible Wounds of War Series: Issues of Women Returning from Combat (2 hours)

To access the course follow these instructions:

Step 1: Click on New Users tab at the top of the screen
Step 2: Create a personal user account following the instructions on the screen
*NOTE: Be sure to enter your Army OneSource referral code: AOSMOCC005
Step 3: Login to the system using your new ID and password
Step 4: Click on Courses tab at the top of the screen
Step 5: Select a course you wish to complete
Step 6: Click on Register

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions and I will be glad to speak with you. If you’d like to find out more about Army OneSource, please follow the link below to our website.

On behalf of the Soldiers and Families in Missouri, thank you for your time in this matter!

Very Respectfully,
Christine A. Cox
Army OneSource Community Support Coordinator-Missouri
Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
(573) 855-0693