23 October 2011

Free Twitter Training from APA

APA is offering 2 free webinars on learning to use Twitter.

It is open to APA and/or Missouri Psychological Association members whose aim is to help psychologists begin to use Twitter:

Twitter webinars:
The next Twitter Basics webinar will be Monday, Nov. 14 at 1 p.m. EST
(RSVP by filling out this quick form: http://bit.ly/APATwitter1)

The next Twitter Intermediate will be Wednesday, Nov. 9 at noon EST
(RSVP by filling out this quick form: http://bit.ly/APATwitter2)

Both of these webinars are technical overviews of how to understand and better use Twitter. You’ll need access to a phone line and an Internet connection for both calls.

Here’s what is covered in each call:

Twitter Basics

·         Send a message
·         Reply to a message
·         Look for your mentions
·         Retweet (also known as RT)
·         Share links
·         Change your account settings

If there's time, we'll show you some of the basics of hashtags, how to find followers and how to search.

Twitter Intermediate

(It’s not required that you completed the basics webinar, but you should have a comfortable understanding of Twitter and know how to do the items mentioned above.)

·              Craft a message that is more likely to get shared
·              Effectively use hashtags to discover content and new people to follow or contact
·              Use hashtags for chats, livetweeting
·              Power searching
·              Develop lists of followers
·              Use mentions of others to increase your visibility

Contact Ellen McLean:  admin@mopsych.org if you have any questions, but if you want to RSVP, please click on the link(s) above.