27 September 2011

Call for Nominations for APA ECP Representative

The Committee on Early Career Psychologists (CECP) is seeking nominations for a representative to serve a three-year term (2012-2014):
CECP Governance and Membership Representative:

  • Serve as CECP liaison to the Membership Board and help advise the board on successful recruitment, retention, and engagement efforts aimed at early career professionals
  • Serve as the point of contact for the membership representatives on all boards and committees within the APA governance structure.
  • Work closely with the CECP staff liaison to develop activities focused on early career membership and strategies for increasing recruitment, retention, and involvement of early career members, and  provide feedback on early career initiatives and activities
  • Work with CECP staff liaison to provide suggestions for social media initiatives and other electronic initiatives focused on the needs of early career members
  • Promote and support activities, projects, and programs that foster early career membership and engagement in APA
  • Responsible for submitting information for the monthly news box in the Monitor re CECP activities and highlighting best practices in early career member involvement
  • Responsible for monitoring early career outreach communications via listservs, social media, and other electronic outlets and actively stimulating topics of discussions and conversations. 
  • Write a report of activities for the consolidated meeting for distribution to the committee and inclusion in CECP’s annual report
  • Membership and or governance experience at the division or SPTA level is a plus.
Candidates must be an APA member within seven years’ receipt of their doctorate degree on January 1, 2012. In addition, you must be able to attend mandatory committee meetings; one in the spring, and two in the fall.  Some committee members may be asked to attend additional meetings depending on their position.  Meeting expenses are reimbursed by APA.  Although not reimbursed, committee members are highly encouraged to attend APA’s annual convention and participate in developing early career programming for the convention.  The committee works extensively through listserv and email. Applicants should expect to spend a minimum of 5 hours per week engaged in committee activities.

All candidates should include:
1. Statement of Interest from the nominee 
2. Current Curriculum Vitae
3. One Letter of Recommendation

Nomination materials must be received by October 31, 2011.  Applicants will be notified in December 2011.

Send nominations via email, mail, or fax to:        
         Kraig Ronald Scott
         American Psychological Association
         750 First Street, NE
         Washington, DC 20002
         Fax: (202) 216-7628
         Email: kscott@apa.org
CECP seeks to represent the interests and concerns of early career psychologists throughout APA.  For more information about the committee and other early career resources, please visit the APA early career website at www.apa.org/earlycareer. If you have any questions, please contact the current Chair, Oksana Yakushko, PhD at oyakushko@gmail.com.

21 September 2011

Collaboration with St. Louis Psych Association

I talked with Dr. Susan Reis today, the President of the St. Louis Psychological Association, in order to develop new ways that MOPA can collaborate with StLPA and serve our mutual needs and concerns.  I am excited to tap into this wonderful group of dedicated psychologists (over 130 strong) who have a vested interest in the legislative affairs that affect psychologists across the state and not just in St. Louis.  Liz Grodsky is currently MOPA's liaison to StLPA and will continue to work with both organizations to bring about positive outcomes for our fellow psychologists. 

20 September 2011

Save the Date

The 2012 MOPA Annual Convention is scheduled for March 23-24 at the St. Louis Regional Arts Commission.  Mark your calendars. We'll see you there! 

19 September 2011

Brain Injury Association of Missouri Conference

The Brain Injury Association of Missouri 7th Annual Statewide Conference is fast approaching – October 20 – 22, 2011.  In one short month you have the opportunity for exceptional education regarding brain injury.  Learn more about the BIA-MO 7th Annual Statewide Conference or Register online now

MOPA is co-sponsoring this event. 

New Ad from APA Insurance Trust

Here is the latest ad from the APA Insurance Trust. To be taken to the website simply click here.

16 September 2011

IMPORTANT Message re: MO Health Net Oversight Committee

Dr. Ian McCaslin, director of Missouri Health Net, has informed MOPA that the Governor will be adding a non-physician health care professional to the Missouri Health Net Oversight Committee. This committee guides Medicaid healthcare practices in Missouri. 

I strongly urge everyone who is a Medicaid provider to consider applying in order to make the voice of Psychology heard at the state level. . 

Websites detailing the MO Health Net Oversight Committee:


The solicitation letter sent to me by Dr. McCaslin can be found by clicking here.

Please indicate whether you have taken action on this item by clicking the box below ("I took action on this item").

08 September 2011

Welcome New Member!

Welcome new member, Susan Shuman, Psy.D..  Dr. Shuman (nee Campbell) began a new job August 1, 2011 as a full-time Psychologist at the Samaritan Counseling Center (The Center) in St. Joseph, MO.  She is registered as a Health Service Provider.

Testing Materials for Sale

There are four psychological tests for sale:

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale -IV (used only twice) - $700.00
Wechsler Memory Scale -IV (used only twice) - $700.00
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - IV - (used) - $300.00
Wide Range Achievement Test -IV (used) - $100.00

Would Prefer to sell as a set, so I will give a $100 off if you buy it that way. Contact Marci at 417-593-6475. Or email marcimanna@aol.com

Office Space/ Sublease

Two offices available for Sublease in a new Psychiatric Private Practice. Location:  Frontenac, MO. Corner of Lindberg Blvd. and Conway Rd.  1400 sq ft Suite has large waiting room, reception area, breakroom and private bath with 4 large offices. There is a separate therapist/patient exit for anonymity.  Both available offices are spacious with windows for natural light.  Referrals are available from practicing child & adolescent psychiatrist and adult/addiction psychiatrist.  Access to internet/fax available. Offices are available starting Oct 1st.  Rates are negotiable b/t $525-$625, depending on size of office.  

Please contact Zinia Thomas: 203-927-6377 or ziniat73@hotmail.com

05 September 2011

Upcoming Board Meeting

Reminder:  The next MOPA Executive Board Meeting will be via conference call on Sunday, September 17, 2011 from 8:30 am - 10:30 am.  More information will be sent to board and committee chairs. Meetings are open to members, so please contact Ellen McLean at esmclean@gmail.com or 417-429-2650 for more information &/or if you would like to be added to the Agenda.

Update on CAPP Grant

From Ellen McLean, Executive Director:

MOPA will be applying for a 2012 CAPP Organizational Development Grant in December.  As you may know, the status of all CAPP grant monies to states (including Legislative Grants, Emergency grants) has been dramatically cut because of several financial issues.  Thanks to a number of states, including Missouri, who actively rallied against these proposals and worked with CAPP to find common ground, additional cuts for 2012 have been postponed.  This extension will not necessarily apply to 2013, we are looking at ways to achieve economies of scale... possibly through a multi-state online CE program.
Here is a summary of CAPP Grant status from the Small States Executive Committee:

At this time, the organizational grants will be funded at a minimal of level of $150,000.  Any increase in this amount will be determined during the 2012 budget cycle; preliminary discussions regarding budgets began this Thursday, September 1, 2011.   While this is a reduction from the $250,000 in organizational grants in past years, it does allow CAPP to cover the states that need the funding the most.  Legislative and Emergency grants will also be under funding consideration during the budget process, and as soon as we learn more, we will update you immediately.

As promised, CAPP did reconsider the reduction to the organizational grants. Please know that when the budget allows, the first restoration to funding will be to the STPA grants. CAPP has committed to this and has also stated that they will not allow a state to fail due to lack of funding.

States that need to apply for an organizational grant for the 2012 operational year should continue to plan to complete the process as normal. The criteria for the grants has not changed. CAPP and CESPPA will continue to have an open dialog and the executive committee will report these conversations. We are all working toward a long term solution to this problem. In the meantime, the best thing that all states can do is share the message about the good that is done with CAPP grants. These grants are funded through the special assessments, if our members are not willing to make this contribution, the APAPO and with it the CAPP grants program will eventually cease to exist.