29 October 2011

Update on CAPP Grant funding

Click here for the summary of the outcome from the meeting held at the APA Convention in August between APAPO Board of Directors, CAPP (Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice), Div. 31, CESPPA (Council of Executives of State and Provincial Psychological Associations) , CSPTR (Caucus of State, Provincial and Territorial Representatives), and SPTA (State, Provincial and Territorial Associations) Leaders.  Basically, CAPP stated that the APAPO Board of Directors had encouraged CAPP to reconsider these grant cuts.  As a result, CAPP held a conference call shortly after convention to reconsider these grant cuts. It was their decision to make no changes in their recommendation "at this time" although they may once again reconsider the cuts at a future time. 

25 October 2011

Your President is now on Twitter!

Dear members, you can now follow me on Twitter and receive a tweet every time I update the blog. This is an easy way to stay informed of current MOPA activities and calls to action.Simply click the button below:
 Follow DrRichMartielli on Twitter 
If you're having any trouble, you can manually follow me @DrRichMartielli

23 October 2011

Free Twitter Training from APA

APA is offering 2 free webinars on learning to use Twitter.

It is open to APA and/or Missouri Psychological Association members whose aim is to help psychologists begin to use Twitter:

Twitter webinars:
The next Twitter Basics webinar will be Monday, Nov. 14 at 1 p.m. EST
(RSVP by filling out this quick form: http://bit.ly/APATwitter1)

The next Twitter Intermediate will be Wednesday, Nov. 9 at noon EST
(RSVP by filling out this quick form: http://bit.ly/APATwitter2)

Both of these webinars are technical overviews of how to understand and better use Twitter. You’ll need access to a phone line and an Internet connection for both calls.

Here’s what is covered in each call:

Twitter Basics

·         Send a message
·         Reply to a message
·         Look for your mentions
·         Retweet (also known as RT)
·         Share links
·         Change your account settings

If there's time, we'll show you some of the basics of hashtags, how to find followers and how to search.

Twitter Intermediate

(It’s not required that you completed the basics webinar, but you should have a comfortable understanding of Twitter and know how to do the items mentioned above.)

·              Craft a message that is more likely to get shared
·              Effectively use hashtags to discover content and new people to follow or contact
·              Use hashtags for chats, livetweeting
·              Power searching
·              Develop lists of followers
·              Use mentions of others to increase your visibility

Contact Ellen McLean:  admin@mopsych.org if you have any questions, but if you want to RSVP, please click on the link(s) above.

21 October 2011

Opportunity for Better Care and Increased Revenue

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has announced 2 new programs that are of interest.

  • The Medicare Shared Savings Program will provide incentives for participating health care providers who agree to work together and become accountable for coordinating care for patients.  Providers who band together through this model and who meet certain quality standards based upon, among other measures, patient outcomes and care coordination among the provider team, may share in savings they achieve for the Medicare program.  The higher the quality of care providers deliver, the more shared savings the providers may keep.
  • The Advance Payment model will provide additional support to physician-owned and rural providers participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program who also would benefit from additional start-up resources to build the necessary infrastructure, such as new staff or information technology systems.  The advanced payments would be recovered from any future shared savings achieved by the Accountable Care Organization.
For more information click here and here.

18 October 2011

Welcome New Member!

Please join me in welcoming MOPA's newest member Dr. Lisa Goldman.

Dr. Goldman specializes in child & adolescent, family & couples, highly conflictual divorces, issues surrounding school refusal, end of life, cancer and other health related medical illness.

Dr. Goldman graduated from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology where her emphasis was on women and their life span, children, bereavement, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trangender (LGBT) community, and clinical psychology. She trained in community mental health centers, a private psychiatric unit in a hospital setting, schools, and had a concentration in acute psychiatric treatment and chronic health conditions. Prior to receiving her doctorate in Clinical Psychology she received her Master in Education from the University of Wisconsin. Her concentration was on learning disabilities, special education law, and training families to advocate for their children with special education needs. Her two graduate degrees and her extensive clinical background allow her a unique understanding of the broad array of mental health issues impacting people of all ages, ethnicities, sexual orientations, religions, and races.

Dr. Goldman has post graduate training in treatment of chronic health patients, divorce mediation, industrial/corporate mediation, counseling couples, families, women, and the LGBT community.

Dr. Goldman has been asked to speak at many organizations regarding mental health issues. 


Dr. Goldman's two graduate degrees and her extensive clinical background allow her a unique understanding of the broad array of mental health issues impacting people of all ages, ethnicities, sexual orientations, religions, and races. Areas of expertise end of life treatment, school issues for children from preschool through college, highly conflictual divorces.

17 October 2011

BCBS of KC Announces Reduction in Fee Schedule

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City recently announced that effective November 1, 2011, they will be reducing the fee schedule for doctorate and masters level clinicians in several of their PPO networks.
These include:

  • Preferred Care (PC)
  • Preferred Care Blue (PCB)
  • Blue Access
  • Freedom Network
  • Freedom Network Select

The change impacts in-network behavioral health providers in independent practice including psychologists. The rationale provided for the decrease was to be more consistent with other rates in the market. The decrease varies and is approximately 20-30% depending upon the CPT code.  In an attempt to better serve our members, we are trying to determine who in our membership will be impacted by this drastic reduction.  We are working with APA on this matter to determine how to best address this matter. The bigger concern as always is that when one insurance company lowers their rates, other companies will follow suit in the near future. If you are being impacted by this change please contact our Executive Director Ellen at esmclean@gmail.com.

Recent actions taken by the New Jersey Psychological Association

NJPA Press Release: New Jersey Psychologists Fight to End Unlawful Practices of Major Health Insurance Plans

Please click HERE to read a very important press release about New Jersey Psychological Association's legal actions against insurance companies.

Additional information can be found at: www.speakyourmindnj.org

Survey Request and chance to win $50 Gift Card

You are being asked to participate in a dissertation research study regarding various theoretical frameworks and therapeutic techniques utilized by Licensed Mental Health Professionals. Should you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete two measures and two demographic/background information sheets, which will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Participation is anonymous and when finished, you will have the opportunity to enter a drawing for one of four $50 Amazon.com gift cards. Please click on the following link to participate:

16 October 2011

Monthly ad from APA insurance Trust

To be taken directly to APAIT's website, click here

14 October 2011

Help Complete Important Survey on Mental Health Parity

I'm passing along a message from Div. 42 regarding an important survey for practitioners regarding how mental health parity  is being implemented. Please consider taking a moment to complete the survey. 

Dear Colleagues;
APA's Division 42 (Psychologists in Independent Practice) Advocacy Committee is conducting a survey on psychologists' early experiences with the implementation of mental health parity around the country. We would greatly appreciate your informing your constituents and members about the availability of this survey. The survey requires only 5-15 minutes to complete online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Div42MHParity.  

The deadline for taking the survey is December 4th.

The data will be tallied and reported to the Division 42 Board of Directors after which time it will be reported on the Division's website at Division42.org and distributed to other interested parties and entities.

Thank you in advance for being willing to take the time to complete this important survey. Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Div42MHParity. Your participation will provide valuable information to assist with our future advocacy activities.


Sallie Hildebrandt, Ph.D.
Chair, Division 42 Advocacy Committee

11 October 2011

Welcome New Member!

MOPA is proud to welcome new member Dr. Sandra Hendrin.  She is part of Collaborative Family Law Group of St. Louis, which offers mental health and financial coaching for divorcing couples, in addition to legal counsel, when they are seeking a better alternative to traditional divorce.

She returned this year to her Counseling Psychology practice in St. Louis after a hiatus of 10 years, during which she was in seminary in Philadelphia and was ordained as a rabbi in June 2010.  In addition to her rabbinic work with the Reconstructionist congregation in St. Louis, she also meets with individuals who have spiritual concerns on a monthly basis for Spiritual Direction, and is a member of Spiritual Directors International.  

07 October 2011

Click here to view Div. 31's letter to APAPO regarding the proposed cuts to the CAPP grants which help fund State, Provincial and Territorial Psychological Associations like MOPA. For all the MOPA members who are also APA members, this letter also unserscores why it is essential to pay the APAPO Practice Assessment every year because this money ultimately "trickles down" to your state organization and allows us to advocate on your behalf within the Missouri House and Senate on issues that affect your daily practice.

01 October 2011

Call for Nominations to serve on Clinical Treatment Guideline Panel for APA

As you may be aware, APA is undertaking a process to develop clinical treatment guidelines.  Click here to be taken to the official Call For Nominations for individuals to serve on the panel that will develop a guideline for the treatment of depression.  Those interested in being considered to serve on this panel are asked to submit a brief statement indicating their willingness to serve and a CV.  Materials are due by November 15, 2011, and should be submitted to ctg@apa.org with “depression panel” in the subject line.

For additional background on this APA initiative, click the links below:

Call for Nominations for Diversity Delegate to SLC

 APA is announcing a call for nominations for Diversity Delegates to attend the 2012 State Leadership Conference (SLC) from March 10th – March 13th in Washington, DC. The deadline for the application is Tuesday, November 1, 2011.  Please send applications for 2012 SLC Diversity Delegates to Leatrice Burphy at lburphy@apa.org. For full details click here.