21 February 2012

Men’s Sexual Health Group

Men’s Sexual Health Group
Develop Healthier More Fulfilling Relationships

This group is a safe environment for open and honest dialogue
regarding sexual health and relationship concerns such as:
- Sexual Compulsivity and Addiction
- Intimacy and Relationship Concerns
- Values Conflicts and Fidelity Issues
- Sexual Trauma and Acting Out Behaviors
- Infatuation, Pornography, and Perfectionism
- Performance Anxiety and Attraction Changes
- Sexual and Gender Identity Concerns

Facilitated by Jeff Lubsen, LGBT-Affirmative Therapists Guild
(under supervision of T. Michael Henderson, LPC, LCPC)

Wednesday Nights 7:00pm-8:30pm
Good Samaritan Project
3030 Walnut, Kansas City, MO
(beginning March 14th, 2012)

Seating is Limited - Pre-Registration Required:

More Information at: jeff@jefflubsen.com or 816-912-8945
Click here for flyer.

20 February 2012

Vote for Board Members!

It is time to vote for MOPA Board members. This year we are electing a new Treasurer and our next President-elect-elect.  The nominees are:

Board Nominee: Keisha Ross, Ph.D.
Petition Nominee: Mark Bradford, Psy.D.

Board Nominee: David Black, Psy.D.

As of Saturday, only 6% of the membership had voted, so please make your voice heard and participate!

Go to the MOPA Homepage and click MOPA 2012 ELECTIONS: Vote HERE!

17 February 2012

Free CEUs!

One in three U.S. Service Members returning from Iraq or Afghanistan experiences signs of combat stress, depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or symptoms of a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Only 50% receive their health care through the VA. Other vets and their families will seek care in community settings. Primary care, community mental health clinicians and other providers want to be prepared.

The Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital Home Base Program, in collaboration with the VA’s National Center for PTSD, is providing this free, CME/CE-certified educational series of 14 one-hour sessions to help you prepare. It’s our turn to serve those who served us.

Listen and interact with clinical experts who share research, knowledge and experience to help you:
  •  Diagnose and treat PTSD and TBI with traditional and complimentary evidence-based therapy
  • Recognize and address emotional stresses in spouses, parents, and children of veterans with PTSD or TBI
  • Support the needs of military families
Event Details 
Dates: Every Thursday at 11:30 AM ET beginning February 23, 2012
Location: Online; participate in any or all of the 14 sessions, which are also available for on-demand viewing after the live event
Tuition: Free Credits: Up to 1 CME/CE credit per session

Click below to register:

CONTACT Email: mghcme@partners.org

09 February 2012

Travel Awards for ECPs attending the 2012 APA Convention

American Psychological Association
2012 APA Convention Travel Awards
for Early Career Professionals

The Committee on Early Career Psychologists is pleased to announce the travel award program for early career members from all areas of psychology (education, practice, public interest and science) to attend the 2012 APA Annual Convention in Orlando, Florida, August 2-5, at the Orange County Convention Center.

Twenty award recipients will receive $750 to be applied toward their 2012 APA convention expenses.  The program is designed to encourage attendance and increase representation of early career members at this year’s APA convention.

All early career APA members (within seven years receipt of their doctorate) are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to applicants who are first-time attendees, or whose primary work is in basic psychological science or those who will be presenting at the 2012 convention. The submission package must include the following information:

1.    Brief statement (maximum one page) about your interest in attending the convention and how you will use this award to support your attendance. Please highlight any significant achievements in your career as well as any leadership positions you have held as an early career psychologists (within APA, other related scholarly or professional organizations such as state and local psychological associations) and indicate how you believe you would benefit from attending the convention.  Also, please include in your statement if your primary work is in basic psychological science, if the 2012 convention will be your first APA convention and if you will be receiving other funding to help cover your expenses.

2.    If you are presenting at the 2012 APA convention, please include an abstract of your presentation along with the title and the names of co-presenters. Please note that you do not need to be a presenter to be eligible for this travel award.

3.    Include your Curriculum Vitae (the year you were awarded a doctorate in psychology should be clearly stated).

Electronic submission instructions:  Please submit all materials in a single Word document.  Put your name and the name of the award in the subject line (e.g. Jane Smith, Early Career Travel Award).

The deadline for submission of materials is March 23, 2012, midnight (EST). Email or fax all materials to Sonja Wiggins (swiggins@ap.org); fax # 202-216-7628.  Award winners will be notified in April 2012 and will be acknowledged during the Early Career Social Hour sponsored by the Committee on Early Career Psychologists at the APA convention on Friday, August 3, 2012 at 6PM.

08 February 2012

Welcome New Member!

Dr. Berman is only the second certified group therapist in greater Kansas City.  He loves conducting interpersonal groups for men and women who wish to deepen their relationships. Also, he sees individuals for issues like depression, anxiety, career problems, and trauma recovery. His website is www.TalkitOutKC.com

05 February 2012

February Update

Below is a message that was sent out to MOPA members as part of a February update:

Dear fellow psychologists,
I hope you all are enjoying the unseasonably mild temperatures right now. I'm writing to give everyone some updates about what MOPA has been doing for you.

  • We are arranging a meeting with MO Health Net to discuss 1) including Health and Behavior Codes as CPT codes that psychologists can request reimbursement for, and 2) eliminating the cap on the number of billable hours per month allowed for psychologists under Medicaid.
  • HB 1082 (Wells) that would grant LPC's to ability to diagnose psychological disorders still has not been assigned to committee since it was second read on January 5th. One justification LPCs give (and legislators value) is the alleged lack of psychologists in rural areas of Missouri, with this bill granting constituents easier access to services.  Of course our rebuttal is that this would mean lower quality of care and potential harm to those same constituents, but we also provided the bills' sponsor (Rep. Wells) a list of Psychologists who work in his district if one should be needed.
  • We continue to monitor HB 1032 (Allen) which grants LPCs the authority to conduct a full investigation into whether an individual is suitable as an adoptive parent. Surprisingly, psychologists are not listed on the bill as a discipline that can also conduct these evaluations. We are working to at the very least add psychologists to those qualified to conduct these evaluations and possibly prevent the bill form passing altogether.  We have received feedback from psychologists who conduct these evaluations and they are complex, require specific training and experience (which we belief LPCs lack) and have significant implications on people's lives. 
  • Looming over the legislature this year is the budget and Missouri's anticipated $600 million shortfall.
  • We are gearing up for our convention in St. Louis at the Regional Arts Center located in the Delmar Loop on March 23-24.  It will be an exciting event filled with great speakers and lots of other events. Hope to see everyone there. More details can be found by clicking here.
  • SAVE THE DATE! Our Legislative Day in Jefferson City is scheduled for Wednesday April 4th. More details will be forthcoming as we near the event, but this is our chance to make the voice of psychology in Missouri heard by our lawmakers.  Please join us to meet with state senators and representatives and make a direct impact on the psychology landscape in our state.
Yours in service,
Richard P. Martielli, Ph.D., ABPP
MOPA President
Website: MOPAPresident.blogspot.com
Twitter: @DrRichMartielli
Facebook Page: Missouri Early Carerr Psychologists

04 February 2012

Welcome New Member

Welcome to new member, Chris Kaisher.  Ms. Kaisher is currently in graduate school with an anticipated graduation date of August 2012.  She would like to work in a Christian counseling firm in or around Columbia, MO.  When she begins begin to practice she would like to focus on women's issues, boundaries, depression and anxiety.