26 December 2011

2010 Report Released from the APA Presidential Task Force on Psychology’s Contribution to End Homelessness

The American Psychological Association’s (APA) Public Interest Directorate has recently released a 2010 report from the APA Presidential Task Force on Psychology’s Contribution to End Homelessness. Helping People Without Homes evaluates contributing factors to homelessness in the United States and discusses the role that psychologists can play in alleviating homelessness.

A state report card issued from The National Center on Family Homelessness recently ranked Missouri 32nd (out of 50) in the nation for child homelessness, based upon the number of homeless children, their well-being, risk for child homelessness, and state policy/planning activities. A particularly poignant report from CBS News’ “60 Minutes” airing earlier this year, highlighted the living conditions of homeless children in the United States, and brought to light the continued need for informed action by both the private and public sectors.

An electronic copy of the APA report can be found by clicking here.

21 December 2011

Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) and Behavioral Health Integration.

APA comments promote mental health screening and integration of mental and behavioral health services in NCQA medical home mode.

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) recently released a new version of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Patient-Centered Medical Home Survey (CAHPS PCMH Survey) for use beginning in January 2012. Earlier this year, NCQA released its PCMH 2011 standards. Both the PCMH survey and standards reflect efforts to integrate mental and behavioral health into NCQA’s medical home model.

For full story click here.

13 December 2011

APA Announces 2012 State Leadership Conference Awardees

Congratulations to Denise H. Bike, MS from the University of Missouri who is the South Central Regional Advocacy Coordinator for the APAGS ACT (Advocacy Coordinating Team).  She is MOPA's former Student Coordinator and is currently an officer in APAGs who is being funded by APA to attend and participate in the 2012 State Leadership Conference in Washington, DC. 

Also, your President and Early Career Psychology Chair has been granted funding to attend and participate in the 2012 SLC as an Early Career Psychologist Delegate.  I look forward to reporting back to MOPA on my experience in DC.  

11 December 2011

08 December 2011

Missouri's Efforts re: Evidence-Based Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Follow the link below to check out Missouri's Efforts re: Evidence-Based Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders. 

From the website:
The Missouri Autism Guidelines Initiative is now  focused on developing the first comprehensive guide to evidence-based Interventions. Building on the success of its first publication on Screening, diagnosis, and assessment for intervention planning, An advisory committee of parents, health care professionals, anIndividual with ASD, educators and service providers is working to Summarize the latest evidence-based and peer-reviewed research to helpMake information on interventions more understandable. The documentWill provide the tools for making decisions about selection, implementation,and evaluation of interventions. It will be published in Summer 2012.

MOPA's own Dr. Janet Farmer, Dr. Micah Mazurek and Dr. Dawn Huber are all involved in this much-needed project. 


Upcoming Conference in St. Louis

The Mental Health in Corrections Conference, sponsored by Forest Institute will take place on March 8-10, 2012 in St. Louis, MO.
For more information:  http://forest.edu/mhcc.aspx

05 December 2011

Space for Lease in Springfield, MO

Office space available for office sharing or full-time lease.  Independent, fully licensed clinician desired. Lease includes use of established name of company, kitchen, office supplies, and phone services.  If interested, please call Center of Change at (417) 888-0886.

21 November 2011

Petition the DSM-V

Though MOPA is not officially endorsing this petition, other Divisions of APA and other various practitioner-related associations seem to be supporting it. It is primarily supported through the Society for Humanistic Psychology, Division 32 of the American Psychological Association. I am posting the link on the blog for people to research and decide if they would like to sign the petition or not. Click here for the website for the petition. 

Health Care Innovation Challenge Announced

 To advance APA’s priorities of integrated health care and workforce development, we would like to call your attention to the new Health Care Innovation Challenge, which was recently announced by the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation.  This major initiative will award up to $1 billion in grants to applicants who will implement the most compelling new models to deliver “better health, improved care, and lower costs to people enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP [Children’s Health Insurance Program], particularly those with the highest health care needs.”  Applicants are encouraged to include new models of workforce development and deployment that efficiently support their service delivery model proposal, along with enhanced infrastructure to support more cost-effective, system-wide functioning. Individual grant awards will range from approximately $1 million to $30 million for a three-year period.  Funding will be directed to innovators who can deploy care improvement models within six months of the grant award through new or expanded efforts to serve new populations of patients, in conjunction (where possible) with other public and private sector partners.  Applications are open to providers, payers, local government, public-private partnerships, and multi-payer collaboratives.  Each project will be monitored for measurable improvements in quality of care and savings generated.

Potential applicants must submit a letter of intent by December 19, 2011, with applications due by January 27, 2012.  The anticipated award date is March 30, 2012.

To learn more about the Health Care Innovation Challenge and information about the application process, please read the Funding Opportunity Announcement.

To read an overview of the Health Care Innovation Challenge, including important deadlines, please read the Fact Sheet (PDF).

D-KEFS for sale

Delis-Kaplan Executive Functions System (D-KEFS) Complete Kit Box, as advertised in  Psych Corp catalogue.  Never used.  $330.00 plus shipping.  Please contact: Stanley Butts, Phone number 816-561-5556, Address:  800 W. 47th Street, Suite 514, Kansas City, MO 64112. 

15 November 2011

Vote 10 for MOPA!

Dear fellow psychologists,
If you are also a member of APA, you should have ready received or will receive in the mail shortly your apportionmnet ballot from APA.  As I've mentioned in previous emails, by allotting all 10 of your votes to MOPA, you will give MOPA the greatest voice possible on APA's Council of Representatives.  If you've ever asked yourself what actions you can take that will have a direct impact on your daily practice, this is one of those actions. As we've seen with the BCBS KC rate cuts, at times we need APA to fight on our behalf. Also, a majority of MOPA's budget comes directly from CAPP grants which have recently been threatened. By voting all 10 votes to MOPA you will help sway budgetary decisions like this in the future and MOPA will be in a better position to remain financially solvent in order to serve our members better. 

VOTE 10 for MOPA!!!

14 November 2011

Call for Application for the Michael Sullivan Diversity Scholarship Fund

The Michael Sullivan Diversity Scholarship Fund was created to provide financial assistance to support graduate student research projects in honor of Dr. Sullivan’s work with American Psychological Association, State, Provincial, and Territorial Psychological Associations and his commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Submission Deadlines: The deadline for the 2012  award is January 13, 2012  Proposals must be submitted electronically by 4:30pm (eastern) on Friday, January 13, 2012.    Proposals must be in Microsoft word or pdf format and follow the template included below.  Subject line should include “Michael Sullivan Diversity Scholarship Proposal- YOUR NAME”.  Send proposals to mranney@ohpsych.org.

For complete details, click here.

Member in the News

Vetta L. Sanders-Thompson was recently featured in Washington University's Record for her work in helping people access health care, Dr. Thompson is MOPA's Psychology in the Workplace Network (PWN) Representative.  To read the full article, click here.

Monthly Ad from APA Insurance Trust

To be taken directly to the APAIT website, click here.

12 November 2011

CAPP Grant Update

From Melba Vasquez (President of APA):
The APAPO BoD and CAPP have worked collaboratively on the goal of assuring the 2011 level of funding for the Organizational Development, Legislative and Emergency grants in the 2012 CAPP budget. While it looks like the APAPO's anticipated income will be expanded through new funding streams, we are so early in the dues collection cycle that it is very difficult to predict Practice Assessment revenues at this time. We will have a better idea about this by the December Board meeting. Consequently, the APAPO Board believes it only prudent to adhere to the usual review date of December for approval of the CAPP budget. At this point the recommendation is for 2011 level funding for all three grant categories. We trust that the SPTAs, as c-6 organizations, will continue to assist their members in understanding the interrelatedness of the Practice Assessment and SPTA support of all kinds.

From Ellen McLean, our Executive Director:
The good news is that the APAPO board came to the table with funding options that will fully fund the Organizational Grants, the Legislative Grants and the Emergency grants at the 2011 levels.  
HOWEVER…. Since the practice assessments are coming in more slowly than projections, the budget (which has not yet been approved by the APA board) may need to be reviewed and corrected as the budget year gets underway.  

I want to stress the importance of contributing to the practice assessment.  This is an issue that we must all take ownership in, and the states need to work collaboratively with APAPO.  If you would like more information about the importance of the assessment and its relationship to the CAPP grants, please contact me (esmclean@mopsych.org).

29 October 2011

Update on CAPP Grant funding

Click here for the summary of the outcome from the meeting held at the APA Convention in August between APAPO Board of Directors, CAPP (Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice), Div. 31, CESPPA (Council of Executives of State and Provincial Psychological Associations) , CSPTR (Caucus of State, Provincial and Territorial Representatives), and SPTA (State, Provincial and Territorial Associations) Leaders.  Basically, CAPP stated that the APAPO Board of Directors had encouraged CAPP to reconsider these grant cuts.  As a result, CAPP held a conference call shortly after convention to reconsider these grant cuts. It was their decision to make no changes in their recommendation "at this time" although they may once again reconsider the cuts at a future time. 

25 October 2011

Your President is now on Twitter!

Dear members, you can now follow me on Twitter and receive a tweet every time I update the blog. This is an easy way to stay informed of current MOPA activities and calls to action.Simply click the button below:
 Follow DrRichMartielli on Twitter 
If you're having any trouble, you can manually follow me @DrRichMartielli

23 October 2011

Free Twitter Training from APA

APA is offering 2 free webinars on learning to use Twitter.

It is open to APA and/or Missouri Psychological Association members whose aim is to help psychologists begin to use Twitter:

Twitter webinars:
The next Twitter Basics webinar will be Monday, Nov. 14 at 1 p.m. EST
(RSVP by filling out this quick form: http://bit.ly/APATwitter1)

The next Twitter Intermediate will be Wednesday, Nov. 9 at noon EST
(RSVP by filling out this quick form: http://bit.ly/APATwitter2)

Both of these webinars are technical overviews of how to understand and better use Twitter. You’ll need access to a phone line and an Internet connection for both calls.

Here’s what is covered in each call:

Twitter Basics

·         Send a message
·         Reply to a message
·         Look for your mentions
·         Retweet (also known as RT)
·         Share links
·         Change your account settings

If there's time, we'll show you some of the basics of hashtags, how to find followers and how to search.

Twitter Intermediate

(It’s not required that you completed the basics webinar, but you should have a comfortable understanding of Twitter and know how to do the items mentioned above.)

·              Craft a message that is more likely to get shared
·              Effectively use hashtags to discover content and new people to follow or contact
·              Use hashtags for chats, livetweeting
·              Power searching
·              Develop lists of followers
·              Use mentions of others to increase your visibility

Contact Ellen McLean:  admin@mopsych.org if you have any questions, but if you want to RSVP, please click on the link(s) above.

21 October 2011

Opportunity for Better Care and Increased Revenue

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has announced 2 new programs that are of interest.

  • The Medicare Shared Savings Program will provide incentives for participating health care providers who agree to work together and become accountable for coordinating care for patients.  Providers who band together through this model and who meet certain quality standards based upon, among other measures, patient outcomes and care coordination among the provider team, may share in savings they achieve for the Medicare program.  The higher the quality of care providers deliver, the more shared savings the providers may keep.
  • The Advance Payment model will provide additional support to physician-owned and rural providers participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program who also would benefit from additional start-up resources to build the necessary infrastructure, such as new staff or information technology systems.  The advanced payments would be recovered from any future shared savings achieved by the Accountable Care Organization.
For more information click here and here.

18 October 2011

Welcome New Member!

Please join me in welcoming MOPA's newest member Dr. Lisa Goldman.

Dr. Goldman specializes in child & adolescent, family & couples, highly conflictual divorces, issues surrounding school refusal, end of life, cancer and other health related medical illness.

Dr. Goldman graduated from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology where her emphasis was on women and their life span, children, bereavement, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trangender (LGBT) community, and clinical psychology. She trained in community mental health centers, a private psychiatric unit in a hospital setting, schools, and had a concentration in acute psychiatric treatment and chronic health conditions. Prior to receiving her doctorate in Clinical Psychology she received her Master in Education from the University of Wisconsin. Her concentration was on learning disabilities, special education law, and training families to advocate for their children with special education needs. Her two graduate degrees and her extensive clinical background allow her a unique understanding of the broad array of mental health issues impacting people of all ages, ethnicities, sexual orientations, religions, and races.

Dr. Goldman has post graduate training in treatment of chronic health patients, divorce mediation, industrial/corporate mediation, counseling couples, families, women, and the LGBT community.

Dr. Goldman has been asked to speak at many organizations regarding mental health issues. 


Dr. Goldman's two graduate degrees and her extensive clinical background allow her a unique understanding of the broad array of mental health issues impacting people of all ages, ethnicities, sexual orientations, religions, and races. Areas of expertise end of life treatment, school issues for children from preschool through college, highly conflictual divorces.

17 October 2011

BCBS of KC Announces Reduction in Fee Schedule

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City recently announced that effective November 1, 2011, they will be reducing the fee schedule for doctorate and masters level clinicians in several of their PPO networks.
These include:

  • Preferred Care (PC)
  • Preferred Care Blue (PCB)
  • Blue Access
  • Freedom Network
  • Freedom Network Select

The change impacts in-network behavioral health providers in independent practice including psychologists. The rationale provided for the decrease was to be more consistent with other rates in the market. The decrease varies and is approximately 20-30% depending upon the CPT code.  In an attempt to better serve our members, we are trying to determine who in our membership will be impacted by this drastic reduction.  We are working with APA on this matter to determine how to best address this matter. The bigger concern as always is that when one insurance company lowers their rates, other companies will follow suit in the near future. If you are being impacted by this change please contact our Executive Director Ellen at esmclean@gmail.com.

Recent actions taken by the New Jersey Psychological Association

NJPA Press Release: New Jersey Psychologists Fight to End Unlawful Practices of Major Health Insurance Plans

Please click HERE to read a very important press release about New Jersey Psychological Association's legal actions against insurance companies.

Additional information can be found at: www.speakyourmindnj.org

Survey Request and chance to win $50 Gift Card

You are being asked to participate in a dissertation research study regarding various theoretical frameworks and therapeutic techniques utilized by Licensed Mental Health Professionals. Should you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete two measures and two demographic/background information sheets, which will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Participation is anonymous and when finished, you will have the opportunity to enter a drawing for one of four $50 Amazon.com gift cards. Please click on the following link to participate:

16 October 2011

Monthly ad from APA insurance Trust

To be taken directly to APAIT's website, click here

14 October 2011

Help Complete Important Survey on Mental Health Parity

I'm passing along a message from Div. 42 regarding an important survey for practitioners regarding how mental health parity  is being implemented. Please consider taking a moment to complete the survey. 

Dear Colleagues;
APA's Division 42 (Psychologists in Independent Practice) Advocacy Committee is conducting a survey on psychologists' early experiences with the implementation of mental health parity around the country. We would greatly appreciate your informing your constituents and members about the availability of this survey. The survey requires only 5-15 minutes to complete online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Div42MHParity.  

The deadline for taking the survey is December 4th.

The data will be tallied and reported to the Division 42 Board of Directors after which time it will be reported on the Division's website at Division42.org and distributed to other interested parties and entities.

Thank you in advance for being willing to take the time to complete this important survey. Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Div42MHParity. Your participation will provide valuable information to assist with our future advocacy activities.


Sallie Hildebrandt, Ph.D.
Chair, Division 42 Advocacy Committee

11 October 2011

Welcome New Member!

MOPA is proud to welcome new member Dr. Sandra Hendrin.  She is part of Collaborative Family Law Group of St. Louis, which offers mental health and financial coaching for divorcing couples, in addition to legal counsel, when they are seeking a better alternative to traditional divorce.

She returned this year to her Counseling Psychology practice in St. Louis after a hiatus of 10 years, during which she was in seminary in Philadelphia and was ordained as a rabbi in June 2010.  In addition to her rabbinic work with the Reconstructionist congregation in St. Louis, she also meets with individuals who have spiritual concerns on a monthly basis for Spiritual Direction, and is a member of Spiritual Directors International.  

07 October 2011

Click here to view Div. 31's letter to APAPO regarding the proposed cuts to the CAPP grants which help fund State, Provincial and Territorial Psychological Associations like MOPA. For all the MOPA members who are also APA members, this letter also unserscores why it is essential to pay the APAPO Practice Assessment every year because this money ultimately "trickles down" to your state organization and allows us to advocate on your behalf within the Missouri House and Senate on issues that affect your daily practice.

01 October 2011

Call for Nominations to serve on Clinical Treatment Guideline Panel for APA

As you may be aware, APA is undertaking a process to develop clinical treatment guidelines.  Click here to be taken to the official Call For Nominations for individuals to serve on the panel that will develop a guideline for the treatment of depression.  Those interested in being considered to serve on this panel are asked to submit a brief statement indicating their willingness to serve and a CV.  Materials are due by November 15, 2011, and should be submitted to ctg@apa.org with “depression panel” in the subject line.

For additional background on this APA initiative, click the links below:

Call for Nominations for Diversity Delegate to SLC

 APA is announcing a call for nominations for Diversity Delegates to attend the 2012 State Leadership Conference (SLC) from March 10th – March 13th in Washington, DC. The deadline for the application is Tuesday, November 1, 2011.  Please send applications for 2012 SLC Diversity Delegates to Leatrice Burphy at lburphy@apa.org. For full details click here.

27 September 2011

Call for Nominations for APA ECP Representative

The Committee on Early Career Psychologists (CECP) is seeking nominations for a representative to serve a three-year term (2012-2014):
CECP Governance and Membership Representative:

  • Serve as CECP liaison to the Membership Board and help advise the board on successful recruitment, retention, and engagement efforts aimed at early career professionals
  • Serve as the point of contact for the membership representatives on all boards and committees within the APA governance structure.
  • Work closely with the CECP staff liaison to develop activities focused on early career membership and strategies for increasing recruitment, retention, and involvement of early career members, and  provide feedback on early career initiatives and activities
  • Work with CECP staff liaison to provide suggestions for social media initiatives and other electronic initiatives focused on the needs of early career members
  • Promote and support activities, projects, and programs that foster early career membership and engagement in APA
  • Responsible for submitting information for the monthly news box in the Monitor re CECP activities and highlighting best practices in early career member involvement
  • Responsible for monitoring early career outreach communications via listservs, social media, and other electronic outlets and actively stimulating topics of discussions and conversations. 
  • Write a report of activities for the consolidated meeting for distribution to the committee and inclusion in CECP’s annual report
  • Membership and or governance experience at the division or SPTA level is a plus.
Candidates must be an APA member within seven years’ receipt of their doctorate degree on January 1, 2012. In addition, you must be able to attend mandatory committee meetings; one in the spring, and two in the fall.  Some committee members may be asked to attend additional meetings depending on their position.  Meeting expenses are reimbursed by APA.  Although not reimbursed, committee members are highly encouraged to attend APA’s annual convention and participate in developing early career programming for the convention.  The committee works extensively through listserv and email. Applicants should expect to spend a minimum of 5 hours per week engaged in committee activities.

All candidates should include:
1. Statement of Interest from the nominee 
2. Current Curriculum Vitae
3. One Letter of Recommendation

Nomination materials must be received by October 31, 2011.  Applicants will be notified in December 2011.

Send nominations via email, mail, or fax to:        
         Kraig Ronald Scott
         American Psychological Association
         750 First Street, NE
         Washington, DC 20002
         Fax: (202) 216-7628
         Email: kscott@apa.org
CECP seeks to represent the interests and concerns of early career psychologists throughout APA.  For more information about the committee and other early career resources, please visit the APA early career website at www.apa.org/earlycareer. If you have any questions, please contact the current Chair, Oksana Yakushko, PhD at oyakushko@gmail.com.

21 September 2011

Collaboration with St. Louis Psych Association

I talked with Dr. Susan Reis today, the President of the St. Louis Psychological Association, in order to develop new ways that MOPA can collaborate with StLPA and serve our mutual needs and concerns.  I am excited to tap into this wonderful group of dedicated psychologists (over 130 strong) who have a vested interest in the legislative affairs that affect psychologists across the state and not just in St. Louis.  Liz Grodsky is currently MOPA's liaison to StLPA and will continue to work with both organizations to bring about positive outcomes for our fellow psychologists. 

20 September 2011

Save the Date

The 2012 MOPA Annual Convention is scheduled for March 23-24 at the St. Louis Regional Arts Commission.  Mark your calendars. We'll see you there! 

19 September 2011

Brain Injury Association of Missouri Conference

The Brain Injury Association of Missouri 7th Annual Statewide Conference is fast approaching – October 20 – 22, 2011.  In one short month you have the opportunity for exceptional education regarding brain injury.  Learn more about the BIA-MO 7th Annual Statewide Conference or Register online now

MOPA is co-sponsoring this event. 

New Ad from APA Insurance Trust

Here is the latest ad from the APA Insurance Trust. To be taken to the website simply click here.

16 September 2011

IMPORTANT Message re: MO Health Net Oversight Committee

Dr. Ian McCaslin, director of Missouri Health Net, has informed MOPA that the Governor will be adding a non-physician health care professional to the Missouri Health Net Oversight Committee. This committee guides Medicaid healthcare practices in Missouri. 

I strongly urge everyone who is a Medicaid provider to consider applying in order to make the voice of Psychology heard at the state level. . 

Websites detailing the MO Health Net Oversight Committee:


The solicitation letter sent to me by Dr. McCaslin can be found by clicking here.

Please indicate whether you have taken action on this item by clicking the box below ("I took action on this item").

08 September 2011

Welcome New Member!

Welcome new member, Susan Shuman, Psy.D..  Dr. Shuman (nee Campbell) began a new job August 1, 2011 as a full-time Psychologist at the Samaritan Counseling Center (The Center) in St. Joseph, MO.  She is registered as a Health Service Provider.

Testing Materials for Sale

There are four psychological tests for sale:

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale -IV (used only twice) - $700.00
Wechsler Memory Scale -IV (used only twice) - $700.00
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - IV - (used) - $300.00
Wide Range Achievement Test -IV (used) - $100.00

Would Prefer to sell as a set, so I will give a $100 off if you buy it that way. Contact Marci at 417-593-6475. Or email marcimanna@aol.com

Office Space/ Sublease

Two offices available for Sublease in a new Psychiatric Private Practice. Location:  Frontenac, MO. Corner of Lindberg Blvd. and Conway Rd.  1400 sq ft Suite has large waiting room, reception area, breakroom and private bath with 4 large offices. There is a separate therapist/patient exit for anonymity.  Both available offices are spacious with windows for natural light.  Referrals are available from practicing child & adolescent psychiatrist and adult/addiction psychiatrist.  Access to internet/fax available. Offices are available starting Oct 1st.  Rates are negotiable b/t $525-$625, depending on size of office.  

Please contact Zinia Thomas: 203-927-6377 or ziniat73@hotmail.com

05 September 2011

Upcoming Board Meeting

Reminder:  The next MOPA Executive Board Meeting will be via conference call on Sunday, September 17, 2011 from 8:30 am - 10:30 am.  More information will be sent to board and committee chairs. Meetings are open to members, so please contact Ellen McLean at esmclean@gmail.com or 417-429-2650 for more information &/or if you would like to be added to the Agenda.

Update on CAPP Grant

From Ellen McLean, Executive Director:

MOPA will be applying for a 2012 CAPP Organizational Development Grant in December.  As you may know, the status of all CAPP grant monies to states (including Legislative Grants, Emergency grants) has been dramatically cut because of several financial issues.  Thanks to a number of states, including Missouri, who actively rallied against these proposals and worked with CAPP to find common ground, additional cuts for 2012 have been postponed.  This extension will not necessarily apply to 2013, we are looking at ways to achieve economies of scale... possibly through a multi-state online CE program.
Here is a summary of CAPP Grant status from the Small States Executive Committee:

At this time, the organizational grants will be funded at a minimal of level of $150,000.  Any increase in this amount will be determined during the 2012 budget cycle; preliminary discussions regarding budgets began this Thursday, September 1, 2011.   While this is a reduction from the $250,000 in organizational grants in past years, it does allow CAPP to cover the states that need the funding the most.  Legislative and Emergency grants will also be under funding consideration during the budget process, and as soon as we learn more, we will update you immediately.

As promised, CAPP did reconsider the reduction to the organizational grants. Please know that when the budget allows, the first restoration to funding will be to the STPA grants. CAPP has committed to this and has also stated that they will not allow a state to fail due to lack of funding.

States that need to apply for an organizational grant for the 2012 operational year should continue to plan to complete the process as normal. The criteria for the grants has not changed. CAPP and CESPPA will continue to have an open dialog and the executive committee will report these conversations. We are all working toward a long term solution to this problem. In the meantime, the best thing that all states can do is share the message about the good that is done with CAPP grants. These grants are funded through the special assessments, if our members are not willing to make this contribution, the APAPO and with it the CAPP grants program will eventually cease to exist.

27 August 2011

The Doctorate is Still the Gold Standard

Texas judge upholds doctoral standard for independent practice of psychology

August 23, 2011– A Texas judge has affirmed the statutory authority of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (Board) to require that Masters-level trained “psychological associates” be supervised by licensed psychologists, who are required under Texas statute to be trained at the doctoral level.

To read the full article from APA Practice Organization, click here

Unsettling News from Florida

APA Practice Organization and Florida Psychological Association challenge recent Florida BCBS actions

August 23, 2011 – Early this month, the Florida Psychological Association (FPA) and the APA Practice Organization (APAPO) learned that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida (BCBS FL) and its new behavioral health subcontractor were planning a 30 to 60 percent reduction in psychologists’ reimbursement rates. The considerable payment reductions were part of a new provider contract from the behavioral health carve-out company that included some troubling provisions. Psychologists seemingly were given just 15 days to decide whether to accept the new contract.

Read the full article from APA Practice Organization here.


24 August 2011


I am working with Wayne Reznick, Ph..D. and Andy Benjamin, JD, PhD, ABPP (President of Div. 31) on a project called SHRReD (State Healthcare Reform Resource Database). It is in the early stages of planning, but looks to be very promising in helping state psychological organizations share useful information on pertinent topics related to advocacy. It seeks to utilize the power of the internet and Web 2.0 services as a means of disseminating information to leaders and members of STPAs.  I will keep everyone updated as I get more involved and learn more.  Stay tuned.....

18 August 2011

Call for Nominations for APA Committee on Aging

Call for Nominations to the APA Committee on Aging

The Committee on Aging (CONA) is accepting nominations, including self-nominations, for two new members. CONA is the chief committee within the APA governance structure charged with addressing aging concerns. In its 11th year of existence, CONA seeks full members of APA with specialization in aging issues to serve a three-year term beginning January 2012 and ending December 2014.

CONA, a six-member Committee, places priority on maintaining representation within the Committee’s membership that reflects the diversity of psychology and society, including (a) individuals with experience in research, clinical training and practice, policy and advocacy, and education; (b) early- and mid-career psychologists and those who are retired or employed less than full time; and (c) diversity with respect to ethnicity, culture, age, gender, ability, sexual orientation, and geographic location.

CONA’s mission is to advance psychology as a science and profession and as a means of promoting health and human welfare by ensuring that older adults, especially the growing numbers of older women and members of minority groups, receive the attention of the Association.  Its goals include:
  • provide leadership for a scientific agenda on aging
  • advocate for policies that enhance availability and reimbursement of health and mental health services to older adults and their families
  • contribute to the formulation and support of public policies that promote optimal development of older adults, facilitate psychological practice with older persons, and expand scientific understanding of adult development and aging
  • promote inclusion of knowledge about adult development and aging in all levels of education
  • develop and disseminate information concerning the scientific findings and practice issues about older adults
  • serve as a visible focus for the coordination of information among groups within APA that address aging issues and offer consultation to relevant APA boards, committees, divisions, state associations, and directorates
  • ensure that older members of APA receive appropriate attention from the Association.
CONA provides an overview of activities and members since its inception.

Selected candidates are required to attend two committee meetings each year in Washington, DC, with expenses reimbursed by the APA. The Committee will meet on March 30-April 1 and October 5-7, 2012; March 15-17 and September 20-22, 2013.  Members are encouraged to attend a CONA meeting held during the APA Convention at their own expense. CONA is a working committee with ongoing time sensitive and consuming projects that require members’ attention. Members are expected to participate in frequent email discussions and bi-monthly conference calls, work on Committee priorities between meetings, provide consultation to the Director of the APA Office on Aging, and participate in policy advocacy activities.

Nomination materials should include a current curriculum vitae and a letter from the nominee indicating their commitment to serve on CONA and highlighting specific competencies, interests, and potential contributions to the work of CONA. Letters of support from other APA governance groups and divisions, state psychological associations, or other organizations are desirable but not required. Prior applicants are encouraged to reapply.

Nominations and supporting materials should be sent by August 26, 2011 to: Deborah DiGilio, Director of the Office on Aging, American Psychological Association, 750 First St. NE, Washington, DC, 20002-4242 or via e-mail to ddigilio@apa.org.

12 August 2011

Call for Nominations for APA LGBT Committee

Call for Nominations to the Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Concerns

Targeted Nominations Statement for Terms Beginning in 2012

The Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns (CLGBTC) seeks nominations for two positions beginning January 1, 2012. Nominees are sought who have experience or expertise relevant to one or more of the following areas:
  • People with disabilities 
  • Transgender people 
  • Indigenous people 
  • LGBT youth, especially bullying 
  • Self-identification as an ally 
  • Public policy 
  • Dissemination and implementation of reports and guidelines
The Committee particularly welcomes nominations of ethnic minority psychologists, bisexual psychologists, psychologists with disabilities, and transgender psychologists, and other psychologists who are members of underrepresented groups. In considering nominees, the Committee will also consider the range of major fields and specializations in psychology and the geographic diversity represented in its membership.
The Committee's mission is to:
  • Study and evaluate on an ongoing basis how the issues and concerns of lesbian, gay male, bisexual, and transgender psychologists can best be dealt with;
  • Encourage objective and unbiased research in areas relevant to lesbian, gay male, bisexual, and transgender adults and youths and the social impact of such research;
  • Examine the consequences of inaccurate information and stereotypes about lesbian, gay male, bisexual, and transgender adults and youth in clinical practice;
  • Develop educational materials for distribution to psychologists and others; and
  • Make recommendations regarding the integration of these issues into the APA's activities to further the cause of civil and legal rights of lesbian, gay male, bisexual, and transgender psychologists within the profession.
The Committee shall consist of six members, three of whom self-identify as women and three of whom self-identify as men, to be appointed for staggered terms of three years. Transgender members who do not self-identify as either women or men may fill either a female or a male seat, in alternation (for example, if there were two transgender members who did not identify as either women or men, one would fill a male seat and one would fill a female seat). It shall report to Council through the Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest.
How to Apply
The nominee and/or nominator should provide a statement of interest, highlighting the nominee's qualifications for the Committee and expertise or interest in the targeted areas above; the nominee's curriculum vita should accompany this statement. Self nominations are accepted.
Nomination materials are to be received by August 31, 2011, mail to:
CLGBTC Nominations
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First St., NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
Or e-mail CLGBTC.

Reannouncing Call for Nominations for the CWP

Call for Nominations to the Committee on Women in Psychology: 2012

The American Psychological Association's Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) is seeking nominations for two new members to begin terms in January 2012.  The committee functions as a catalyst by interacting with and making recommendations to the various parts of the APA governing structure and the APA membership, as well as other relevant groups. 

The committee’s current strategic goals include promoting the health and well-being of all women, nationally and internationally; identifying and eliminating discriminatory and exploitive practices against all women, nationally and internationally; promoting the unique contributions of women to psychology; enhancing women’s leadership within and outside of APA; monitoring activities of groups within the APA to assess the impact on women; collaborating with others as needed to achieve the empowerment of underrepresented groups; and advocating for public policy that enhances the lives of women, nationally and internationally.  As part of its monitoring function, CWP devotes a full day during each of their two committee meetings each year to discussion of cross-cutting items submitted by other groups.

The committee is interested in persons with demonstrated interest and experience in women's issues to serve a 3-year term from January 2012 through December 2014.  For this term, CWP will seek with a psychologist with a disability or expertise in disabilities issues and a psychologist with expertise in violence against women, including trafficking issues. Letters of nomination should clearly describe the candidate's specific qualifications relative to these criteria.  Women at all career stages are invited to apply. Nominees to CWP must be full members of APA.

CWP members are required to attend two committee meetings each year in Washington, DC (Thursday night to Sunday afternoon) with expenses reimbursed by the APA.  Candidates should ensure they can attend all committee meetings.  Meetings in 2012 will be March 30-April 1 and October 5-7; meetings in 2013 are March 15-17 and September 20-22; meetings in 2014 are tbd.  Committee members also work on CWP priorities between meetings and will be expected to participate in regular committee conference calls.  Because CWP sponsors a number of important events at the APA convention (e.g., the annual CWP Network meeting, presentation of the CWP Leadership Awards), CWP members are strongly encouraged to attend committee-sponsored APA convention events if possible, though expenses cannot be reimbursed.

Nomination materials should include a letter from the nominee indicating willingness to serve on CWP, a brief statement of the nominee's qualifications, and a current curriculum vita.  Self-nominations are encouraged.  APA nominations are open to members who are retired, are employed less than full time, or work full time.  Nominations and supporting materials should be sent by September 1, 2011, to 
Kari Hill
APA Women's Programs Office
750 First Street, N.E.
Washington, DC, 20002-4242
or via e-mail at khill@apa.org.

07 August 2011

Psychology Practice for Sale

Psychology practice for sale. 2 buildings, 4+ acre campus, furnishings, equipment, 25+ years practice tenure. Hattiesburg, MS area. Contact Robert T. Jackson, Sr. Phone: 601-264-3309 or fax: 601-264-6066 for information and pictorial description.