Call for Nominations to the Committee on Women in Psychology: 2012
The American Psychological Association's Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) is seeking nominations for two new members to begin terms in January 2012. The committee functions as a catalyst by interacting with and making recommendations to the various parts of the APA governing structure and the APA membership, as well as other relevant groups.
The committee’s current strategic goals include promoting the health and well-being of all women, nationally and internationally; identifying and eliminating discriminatory and exploitive practices against all women, nationally and internationally; promoting the unique contributions of women to psychology; enhancing women’s leadership within and outside of APA; monitoring activities of groups within the APA to assess the impact on women; collaborating with others as needed to achieve the empowerment of underrepresented groups; and advocating for public policy that enhances the lives of women, nationally and internationally. As part of its monitoring function, CWP devotes a full day during each of their two committee meetings each year to discussion of cross-cutting items submitted by other groups.
The committee is interested in persons with demonstrated interest and experience in women's issues to serve a 3-year term from January 2012 through December 2014. For this term, CWP will seek with a psychologist with a disability or expertise in disabilities issues and a psychologist with expertise in violence against women, including trafficking issues. Letters of nomination should clearly describe the candidate's specific qualifications relative to these criteria. Women at all career stages are invited to apply. Nominees to CWP must be full members of APA.
CWP members are required to attend two committee meetings each year in Washington, DC (Thursday night to Sunday afternoon) with expenses reimbursed by the APA. Candidates should ensure they can attend all committee meetings. Meetings in 2012 will be March 30-April 1 and October 5-7; meetings in 2013 are March 15-17 and September 20-22; meetings in 2014 are tbd. Committee members also work on CWP priorities between meetings and will be expected to participate in regular committee conference calls. Because CWP sponsors a number of important events at the APA convention (e.g., the annual CWP Network meeting, presentation of the CWP Leadership Awards), CWP members are strongly encouraged to attend committee-sponsored APA convention events if possible, though expenses cannot be reimbursed.
Nomination materials should include a letter from the nominee indicating willingness to serve on CWP, a brief statement of the nominee's qualifications, and a current curriculum vita. Self-nominations are encouraged. APA nominations are open to members who are retired, are employed less than full time, or work full time. Nominations and supporting materials should be sent by September 1, 2011, to
Kari HillAPA Women's Programs Office
750 First Street, N.E.
Washington, DC, 20002-4242
or via e-mail at
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