27 August 2011

The Doctorate is Still the Gold Standard

Texas judge upholds doctoral standard for independent practice of psychology

August 23, 2011– A Texas judge has affirmed the statutory authority of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (Board) to require that Masters-level trained “psychological associates” be supervised by licensed psychologists, who are required under Texas statute to be trained at the doctoral level.

To read the full article from APA Practice Organization, click here

Unsettling News from Florida

APA Practice Organization and Florida Psychological Association challenge recent Florida BCBS actions

August 23, 2011 – Early this month, the Florida Psychological Association (FPA) and the APA Practice Organization (APAPO) learned that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida (BCBS FL) and its new behavioral health subcontractor were planning a 30 to 60 percent reduction in psychologists’ reimbursement rates. The considerable payment reductions were part of a new provider contract from the behavioral health carve-out company that included some troubling provisions. Psychologists seemingly were given just 15 days to decide whether to accept the new contract.

Read the full article from APA Practice Organization here.


24 August 2011


I am working with Wayne Reznick, Ph..D. and Andy Benjamin, JD, PhD, ABPP (President of Div. 31) on a project called SHRReD (State Healthcare Reform Resource Database). It is in the early stages of planning, but looks to be very promising in helping state psychological organizations share useful information on pertinent topics related to advocacy. It seeks to utilize the power of the internet and Web 2.0 services as a means of disseminating information to leaders and members of STPAs.  I will keep everyone updated as I get more involved and learn more.  Stay tuned.....

18 August 2011

Call for Nominations for APA Committee on Aging

Call for Nominations to the APA Committee on Aging

The Committee on Aging (CONA) is accepting nominations, including self-nominations, for two new members. CONA is the chief committee within the APA governance structure charged with addressing aging concerns. In its 11th year of existence, CONA seeks full members of APA with specialization in aging issues to serve a three-year term beginning January 2012 and ending December 2014.

CONA, a six-member Committee, places priority on maintaining representation within the Committee’s membership that reflects the diversity of psychology and society, including (a) individuals with experience in research, clinical training and practice, policy and advocacy, and education; (b) early- and mid-career psychologists and those who are retired or employed less than full time; and (c) diversity with respect to ethnicity, culture, age, gender, ability, sexual orientation, and geographic location.

CONA’s mission is to advance psychology as a science and profession and as a means of promoting health and human welfare by ensuring that older adults, especially the growing numbers of older women and members of minority groups, receive the attention of the Association.  Its goals include:
  • provide leadership for a scientific agenda on aging
  • advocate for policies that enhance availability and reimbursement of health and mental health services to older adults and their families
  • contribute to the formulation and support of public policies that promote optimal development of older adults, facilitate psychological practice with older persons, and expand scientific understanding of adult development and aging
  • promote inclusion of knowledge about adult development and aging in all levels of education
  • develop and disseminate information concerning the scientific findings and practice issues about older adults
  • serve as a visible focus for the coordination of information among groups within APA that address aging issues and offer consultation to relevant APA boards, committees, divisions, state associations, and directorates
  • ensure that older members of APA receive appropriate attention from the Association.
CONA provides an overview of activities and members since its inception.

Selected candidates are required to attend two committee meetings each year in Washington, DC, with expenses reimbursed by the APA. The Committee will meet on March 30-April 1 and October 5-7, 2012; March 15-17 and September 20-22, 2013.  Members are encouraged to attend a CONA meeting held during the APA Convention at their own expense. CONA is a working committee with ongoing time sensitive and consuming projects that require members’ attention. Members are expected to participate in frequent email discussions and bi-monthly conference calls, work on Committee priorities between meetings, provide consultation to the Director of the APA Office on Aging, and participate in policy advocacy activities.

Nomination materials should include a current curriculum vitae and a letter from the nominee indicating their commitment to serve on CONA and highlighting specific competencies, interests, and potential contributions to the work of CONA. Letters of support from other APA governance groups and divisions, state psychological associations, or other organizations are desirable but not required. Prior applicants are encouraged to reapply.

Nominations and supporting materials should be sent by August 26, 2011 to: Deborah DiGilio, Director of the Office on Aging, American Psychological Association, 750 First St. NE, Washington, DC, 20002-4242 or via e-mail to ddigilio@apa.org.

12 August 2011

Call for Nominations for APA LGBT Committee

Call for Nominations to the Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Concerns

Targeted Nominations Statement for Terms Beginning in 2012

The Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns (CLGBTC) seeks nominations for two positions beginning January 1, 2012. Nominees are sought who have experience or expertise relevant to one or more of the following areas:
  • People with disabilities 
  • Transgender people 
  • Indigenous people 
  • LGBT youth, especially bullying 
  • Self-identification as an ally 
  • Public policy 
  • Dissemination and implementation of reports and guidelines
The Committee particularly welcomes nominations of ethnic minority psychologists, bisexual psychologists, psychologists with disabilities, and transgender psychologists, and other psychologists who are members of underrepresented groups. In considering nominees, the Committee will also consider the range of major fields and specializations in psychology and the geographic diversity represented in its membership.
The Committee's mission is to:
  • Study and evaluate on an ongoing basis how the issues and concerns of lesbian, gay male, bisexual, and transgender psychologists can best be dealt with;
  • Encourage objective and unbiased research in areas relevant to lesbian, gay male, bisexual, and transgender adults and youths and the social impact of such research;
  • Examine the consequences of inaccurate information and stereotypes about lesbian, gay male, bisexual, and transgender adults and youth in clinical practice;
  • Develop educational materials for distribution to psychologists and others; and
  • Make recommendations regarding the integration of these issues into the APA's activities to further the cause of civil and legal rights of lesbian, gay male, bisexual, and transgender psychologists within the profession.
The Committee shall consist of six members, three of whom self-identify as women and three of whom self-identify as men, to be appointed for staggered terms of three years. Transgender members who do not self-identify as either women or men may fill either a female or a male seat, in alternation (for example, if there were two transgender members who did not identify as either women or men, one would fill a male seat and one would fill a female seat). It shall report to Council through the Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest.
How to Apply
The nominee and/or nominator should provide a statement of interest, highlighting the nominee's qualifications for the Committee and expertise or interest in the targeted areas above; the nominee's curriculum vita should accompany this statement. Self nominations are accepted.
Nomination materials are to be received by August 31, 2011, mail to:
CLGBTC Nominations
Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First St., NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
Or e-mail CLGBTC.

Reannouncing Call for Nominations for the CWP

Call for Nominations to the Committee on Women in Psychology: 2012

The American Psychological Association's Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) is seeking nominations for two new members to begin terms in January 2012.  The committee functions as a catalyst by interacting with and making recommendations to the various parts of the APA governing structure and the APA membership, as well as other relevant groups. 

The committee’s current strategic goals include promoting the health and well-being of all women, nationally and internationally; identifying and eliminating discriminatory and exploitive practices against all women, nationally and internationally; promoting the unique contributions of women to psychology; enhancing women’s leadership within and outside of APA; monitoring activities of groups within the APA to assess the impact on women; collaborating with others as needed to achieve the empowerment of underrepresented groups; and advocating for public policy that enhances the lives of women, nationally and internationally.  As part of its monitoring function, CWP devotes a full day during each of their two committee meetings each year to discussion of cross-cutting items submitted by other groups.

The committee is interested in persons with demonstrated interest and experience in women's issues to serve a 3-year term from January 2012 through December 2014.  For this term, CWP will seek with a psychologist with a disability or expertise in disabilities issues and a psychologist with expertise in violence against women, including trafficking issues. Letters of nomination should clearly describe the candidate's specific qualifications relative to these criteria.  Women at all career stages are invited to apply. Nominees to CWP must be full members of APA.

CWP members are required to attend two committee meetings each year in Washington, DC (Thursday night to Sunday afternoon) with expenses reimbursed by the APA.  Candidates should ensure they can attend all committee meetings.  Meetings in 2012 will be March 30-April 1 and October 5-7; meetings in 2013 are March 15-17 and September 20-22; meetings in 2014 are tbd.  Committee members also work on CWP priorities between meetings and will be expected to participate in regular committee conference calls.  Because CWP sponsors a number of important events at the APA convention (e.g., the annual CWP Network meeting, presentation of the CWP Leadership Awards), CWP members are strongly encouraged to attend committee-sponsored APA convention events if possible, though expenses cannot be reimbursed.

Nomination materials should include a letter from the nominee indicating willingness to serve on CWP, a brief statement of the nominee's qualifications, and a current curriculum vita.  Self-nominations are encouraged.  APA nominations are open to members who are retired, are employed less than full time, or work full time.  Nominations and supporting materials should be sent by September 1, 2011, to 
Kari Hill
APA Women's Programs Office
750 First Street, N.E.
Washington, DC, 20002-4242
or via e-mail at khill@apa.org.

07 August 2011

Psychology Practice for Sale

Psychology practice for sale. 2 buildings, 4+ acre campus, furnishings, equipment, 25+ years practice tenure. Hattiesburg, MS area. Contact Robert T. Jackson, Sr. Phone: 601-264-3309 or fax: 601-264-6066 for information and pictorial description.

02 August 2011

APA Convention and the use of technology

Although our Executive Director Ellen McLean will not be in attendance at this year's APA convention this weekend due to budgetary constraints, thanks to technology she will still be able to follow other State Executive Directors' activity through Tweets that are being updated live and up to the minute from APA.  Additionally, there will be electronic voting to elect members of APA's Council of Executives of State and Provincial Psychological Associations (CESPPA) so that EDs who are not in attendance (and that is a sizable number) will still be able to vote.

Group Sales for St. Louis Rams Tickets

MOPA has been approached by a representative from the St. Louis Rams to inquire about whether we would be interested in pursuing group sales for Rams tickets for a MOPA Day at the Edward Jones Dome.  If you are interested contact Ellen at esmclean@gmail.com

01 August 2011

NPR Story on "Shopping for a Psychotherapist"

NPR recently ran a story on shopping for a psychotherapist.  It contains several links to useful resources for patients and one commenter to the article also mentioned the great web page developed by Division 12 on EBPs which can be found here.