16 June 2011

FREE Membership...

In an effort to boost our membership and as a way to engage early career psychologists in MOPA, the Board recently decided to offer all newly licensed psychologists one year of free membership in MOPA as a way to experience first hand all that our organization does and the great community of people we have here in Missouri.  These members will be given access to our wonderful listserve as well so that they can share in many of the legislative and professional issues that arise on a regular basis that affects the practice of psychology in our state.  After the first year, they will be asked to continue their involvement with MOPA by becoming full members.  Hopefully, this effort will bring more psychologists into our organization and will also broaden the depth and breadth of psychologists that make up our ranks.  If you have other ideas about how  to boost membership, please feel free to comment on this post.  We are always open to new ways to engage more psychologists. 


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