16 June 2011

Medicaid and Reimbursement for Neuropsychological Services

I briefly wanted to let the membership know that we are in the very early phases of working on legislation to secure reimbursement for neuropsychological assessment services by Medicaid.  This has the potential to allow those served by Medicaid to receive much needed neuropsychological services and also would allow those who perform this type of testing to be reimbursed properly for their work.  Right now similar legislation exists in a handful of other states - so it can be done - but not without grassroots support form MO psychologists. 

Again, this is in the very early stages, but something that we are working on. If you know anyone who performs neuropsychological assessments in Missouri and who is not a member of MOPA, there is now (more than ever) a direct incentive to become a dues-paying member in order to support this important legalisation.  Updates will be forthcoming on this issue as they unfold. 

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